Какие версии базы данных (MySQL или MariaDB) поддерживаются?

Claudia Santo
Claudia Santo

Создано: 30.09.2020 9:13 - Актуализировано: 10.01.2021 7:23

PaperOffice supports the following database servers:

  • MySQL
    • 5.5
    • 5.6
    • 5.7
  • MariaDB
    • 5.5
    • 10.0.38
      Please note that the setup of the MariaDB 10.0.38 database must be performed EXACT according the setup steps, which are explained in our YouTube video .
Other version numbers are possible but not supported out-of-the-box.

PaperOffice is explicitly NOT compatible with MySQL 8.0 and / or MariaDB 5.1
maria db mariadb mysql

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